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Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Cambridge, UKThe Centre was founded in 1983 by Professor Sir Elihu Lauterpacht. In 1985, the Centre moved to its current premises, 5 Cranmer Road, Cambridge. A new wing added in 1996 housed the Finley Library and the Snyder Study Room and in 2002 the Centre acquired the adjoining house, 7 Cranmer Road. This was refurbished into lecture and conference facilities and accommodation for Visiting Fellows.

In 1996, the University of Cambridge renamed the Centre the 'Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law.' The renaming was to honour Sir Hersch and Sir Elihu Lauterpacht's contribution to international law at Cambridge.

5 Cranmer Road was purchased with the generous financial support of the Lauterpacht family, Dr Earl Snyder and Mr Edward St George. For the new wing in 1996, thanks is due to Mrs Julie Finley and Dr Earl Snyder. 7 Cranmer Road was purchased with generous support from the Government of Bahrain and Trinity College Cambridge.


International Law at Cambridge

The teaching of international law at Cambridge began with the establishment of the Whewell Chair of International Law in 1868. Over the following century, international lawyers at the University established a strong reputation in the field, both as academics and through their practical work as counsel, arbitrators and judges.

Notable figures include John Westlake, Lassa Oppenheim, Lord McNair (President of both the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights), Sir Hersch Lauterpacht (a Judge of the International Court), Sir Robert Jennings (President of the International Court), Clive Parry, Sir Derek Bowett and James Crawford.