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The Centre has named a number of Honorary Fellows, in recognition of their significant contribution to the study and practice of international law and to the development of the Centre.

Prof Philip Allott FBA

Dr Ivan Berkowitz

Sir Frank Berman KCMG KC

Lesley Dingle

Prof John Dugard

Mrs Julie Finley

Prof Christine Gray

Sir Christopher Greenwood GBE CMG KC


HE President Dame Rosalyn Higgins GBE KC

Ms Finola O'Sullivan

HE President Hisashi Owada


HE Judge Stephen Schwebel

Prof Malcolm Shaw KC

Prof Elizabeth Wilmshurst CMG KC

Sir Michael Wood KCMG KC

Former Honorary Fellows

Prof Sir Derek Bowett CBE KC FBA 

(1927 - 2009)

HE Judge James Crawford AC, SC FBA 

(1948 - 2021)

Sir Elihu Lauterpacht CBE KC LLD

(1928 - 2017)

Lady Catherine Lauterpacht

(xxxx - 2024)


Dr Earl A Snyder

(1918 - 2004)


Mr Edward St George 

(1928 - 2004)

Prof Hugh Thirlway

(1937 - 2019)