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Dr Joanna Gomula (LLM University of Warsaw, LLM University of Michigan, PhD Polish Academy of Sciences) is a Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge. She was associated for many years with Queen Mary College, University of London, where she lectured WTO dispute settlement, international economic law, and international environmental law. She also lectured on a regular basis at the Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatic Academy).

Dr Gomula is the convener for the World Trade Law course of the External LLM programme at the University of London. She has been an affiliated lecturer at the University of Cambridge and a guest lecturer at number of universities, including Bocconi University in Milan, University of Vienna, University of Hong Kong, University of Nanterre in Paris, University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski in Warsaw, and University of Szczecin.

Dr Gomula practiced for several years at White & Case in Warsaw and New York. She is on the Board of Editors of the Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (ed. Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo) where she has been responsible for the section on WTO jurisprudence, and on the Academic Review Board of the Cambridge Journal of International Law. She was editor of the ICSID Reports in 2011-2016, and a member of the ILA Committee on the Procedure of International Courts and Tribunals.


Edited books and volumes

Research Handbook on International Procedural Law (with Stephan Wittich and Markus Stemeseder) (Edward Elgar 2024)

ICSID Reports, vol. 17 (with Eli Lauterpacht, consulting editor) (CUP 2016)

ICSID Reports, vol. 16 (with James Crawford and Eli Lauterpacht, consulting editor) (CUP 2012)

Book chapters and articles

‘Judicial Approaches to Countermeasures in “Background’ Disputes” in Pavel Sturma (ed.), International Sanctions and Human Rights (Springer 2024, forthcoming)

‘Protecting Human Rights through International Trade Agreements: The Case of Core Labour Standards’ in: Louisa Ashley and Nicolette Butler (eds), The Incoherence of Human Rights in International Law: Absence, Emergence and Limitations (Routledge 2024, forthcoming)

‘Appellate Review’ in: Joanna Gomula, Stephan Wittich and Markus Stemeseder (eds), Research Handbook on International Procedural Law (Edgar Elgar 2024)

‘WTO Panels and the Appellate Body, Introductory Note and Legal Maxims’, Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (annual contributions since 2001, most recent 2023)

‘WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding’ in L Mistelis and L Shore, World Arbitration Reporter: International Encyclopaedia of Arbitration Law and Practice (Vol. 4, 2nd ed. Juris Publishing 2010) (updates 2016, 2017, 2021, 2023)

‘Environmental Disputes in the WTO’ in: Malgosia Fitzmaurice, David Ong and Panos Merkouris (eds), Research Handbook on International Environmental Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2nd edn., 2021; 1st edn., 2010)

‘Labour Standards and International Trade Regulation – a New Area of Enforcement?’ (with James T. Crawford), XXI:II Roczniki Administracji i Prawa/Annuals of the Administration and Law 79-94 (2021)

‘The Legal Effect of Appellate Body Rulings in the WTO Dispute Settlement System’ [in Russian] (2016) Justice Международное правосудие [International Justice] 1

‘Kilka odcieni arbitrażu – dodatkowe i alternatywne procedury arbitrażowe w prawie i praktyce Światowej Organizacji Handlu’ [Some Shades of Arbitration – Additional and Alternative Arbitration Procedures in the Law and Practice of the World Trade Organization] in Cezary Mik (ed), Arbitraż w prawie międzynarodowym [Arbitration in International Law] (Beck 2015)

‘The Heritage of the Permanent Court of International Justice in WTO Jurisprudence’ in Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Christian Tams (eds), Legacies of the Permanent Court of International Justice (Martinus Nijhoff 2013)

‘Conflicting Jurisdictions in WTO Jurisprudence’ in Barlomiej Krzan (ed), Jurisdictional Competition of International Courts and Tribunals (University of Wrocław 2013)

‘The Review of Decisions of International Administrative Tribunals by the International Court of Justice’ in Olufemi Elias (ed.), The Development and Effectiveness of International Administrative Law (QM Studies in International Law vol. 8, Martinus Nijhoff 2012)

‘The State as a Respondent in Central and Eastern European Investment Arbitrations’ 13 (1-2) International Community Law Revue 93 (2011)

‘State Responsibility and the World Trade Organization’ in James Crawford and others (eds), The Law of International Responsibility (OUP/ Pedone 2010)

‘Precedential Effect of WTO Decisions. Note on the Zeroing Cases’ 7 Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 295-317 (2008)

‘Moc wiążąca orzeczeń organów rozstrzygania sporów Światowej Organizacji Handlu’ [Binding Effect of Decisions of Dispute Settlement Organs in the World Trade Organization] in: Jerzy Menkes (ed), Prawo międzynarodowe. Księga pamiątkowa profesor Renaty Szafarz [International Law. Homage to Professor Renata Szafarz] (Elipsa 2007)

‘Ochrona środowiska w orzecznictwie Światowej Organizacji Handlu’ [Environmental Protection in WTO Jurisprudence] in Jerzy Menkes (ed), Prawo międzynarodowe – problemy i wyzwania. Księga pamiątkowa dla profesor Renaty Sonnenfeld-Tomporek [International Law – Problems and Challenges. Homage to Professor Renata Sonnenfeld-Tomporek] (Elipsa 2006)

‘Prawowi aspekti czlenstwa u Cwitowoi Organizacji Torgiwli’ [Legal Aspects of Accession to the WTO] in Prawowi i ekonomicni aspekti bstupu Ukraini do Cwitowoi Organizacji Torgiwli, (Donetsk 2006)

‘Podstawowe zasady rozstrzygania sporów WTO’ [Basic Principles of WTO Dispute Settlement] in Materiały z konferencji ‘Nauka prawa międzynarodowego u progu XXI wieku’ [Conference Materials ‘International Law at the Turn of the 21st Century’] (Polańczyk 2002)

‘The Standard of Review of Article 17.6 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement and the Problem of its Extension to Other WTO Agreements’ in Paolo Mengozzi (ed.), International Trade Law on the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trade System (Bologna 1999) (also published XXIII Polish Yearbook of International Law 229-50 (1997-1998))

‘Porozumienie Antydumpingowe Światowej Organizacji Handlu a przepisy antydumpingowe Wspólnoty Europejskiej’ [The WTO Antidumping Agreement and EC Antidumping Regulations] (1998) Przegląd Prawa Europejskiego [European Law Review] No 4

‘Funkcjonowanie systemu rozstrzygania sporów w ramach Światowej Organizacji Handlu’ [The Functioning of the Dispute Settlement System of the World Trade Organization] (1997) Państwo i Prawo [State and Law] No. 7

‘Customs Law’ in Business Transactions in Eastern Europe (Poland) (Matthew Bender 1997)

‘Dispute Settlement under Association Agreements with Central and Eastern European States’ XXII Polish Yearbook of International Law 107-28 (1995-1996)

‘Unia a Wspólnoty Europejskie’ [The European Union v. the European Communities] (1995) Państwo i Prawo [State and Law] No. 12

‘Poland (Environmental Guidelines)’ (with Richard Horsch, Sophia Drewnowski, Andrzej Blach) in Investors Environmental Guidelines (EBRD, Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff 1994)

‘International Treaties Entered into Force with respect to Poland’ Polish Yearbook of International Law (annual contributions 1985-1993, last contribution 1993)

‘Should Central and Eastern European States Slow Down Their Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights?’ (with Andrzej Jacewicz) in Legal Aspects of a New European Infrastructure (Netherlands Helsinki Committee 1992)

‘Changes in U.S. Trade and Economic Policy Towards Post-Nonmarket Economy Countries: An Example of Poland’ 2 Journal of Transnational Law and Policy 117 (1993)

‘The International Court of Justice and Administrative Tribunals of International Organizations’ (1991) 13 Michigan Journal of International Law 83

‘Investments under the U.S.-Poland Business Treaty’ (1991) The Warsaw Voice Business Law Review no. 2

Konflikt wokół misji OWP przy ONZ’ [The Conflict Concerning the UN PLO Mission] (with J. Stańczyk) (1990) Sprawy Międzynarodowe [International Affairs] vol 7-8