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Wednesday, 18 December 2024

The Lauterpacht Centre for International Law mourns the death of Lady Catherine Lauterpacht (née Daly). She died peacefully in Addenbrookes hospital, Cambridge in the morning of 11 December.  
Beloved wife of Sir Elihu, Lady Lauterpacht, to many in the Centre known as Cathy, has helped build the Centre ever since Sir Eli founded it in 1983.  After Sir Eli’s death in 2017, Cathy continued to support the Centre and attend its events. She took great interest in the work and well-being of the Centre’s fellows, including their families. With her strong passion for art – she herself was a talented painter – and literature, she ensured that conversations at LCIL dinners would be about more than international law. She opened her home to many international lawyers. After Sir Eli died, they continued to visit to enjoy Cathy’s hospitality, including a cup of tea in her famous Aga-heated kitchen or stunning garden. She had a special eye for nature’s beauty: she could fondly recount how her roses, tomatoes or grapes were growing and which birds were inhabiting the garden that season.
Lady Lauterpacht is survived by Deborah, Gabriel and Michael, the children of Sir Eli’s marriage with Judith Hettinger, who passed away in 1970, and by Conan, Sir Eli’s and Cathy’s son, and eight grandchildren. She adored them.
She will be buried in her native County Armagh, Northern Ireland. A memorial service will be held in Cambridge next year.
