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The Centre has published a number of series and ad hoc publications over the years. Details on a number of these is provided below.

Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Reports

The Tribunal, concerned principally with the claims of US nationals against Iran, is the most important international claims tribunal convened in over half a century. Its jurisprudence has made an important contribution to international law and, in particular, the law relating to aliens. The series is the only complete and fully indexed report of the decisions of this unique Tribunal. These Reports are essential for all practitioners in the field of international claims, academics in private and public international law and comparative lawyers as well as governments and law libraries. Each volume contains a detailed Consolidated Index and Tables of Cases covering the whole series to date.

Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Reports, vols 1-38 (9780521197588) Karen Lee (ed.)

International Environmental Law Reports (IELR)

The first ever compendium of the key international and national decisions relating to international environmental law, this set is a valuable resource for all those interested in this growing field.

Students, practitioners, NGOs and government agencies alike will be grateful to find, at last, the relevant case law easily accessible in one collection. The collection encompasses decisions from the late nineteenth century to the present day, and is presented in five themed volumes:

Volume 1: Early Decisions

Volume 2: International Trade and Environment

Volume 3: Human Rights and Environment

Volume 4: International Environmental Law in National Courts

Volume 5: International Environmental Law in International Tribunals

Each case is accompanied by a full introductory note and, where appropriate, relevant background materials to facilitate a fuller understanding of the case. The volumes are comprehensively indexed.

Cambridge International Document Series

This series aims to provide practitioners and scholars with ready access to the raw materials of international law. The volumes present both current and historic materials, otherwise often fragmented and inaccessible, relating either to a particular episode of international relations or to a specific subject which is of relevance to the development of international law. The documentation is accompanied by a scholarly introduction setting the materials presented in their full context, and each volume is fully indexed.

Titles published in the series can be purchased from Cambridge University Press and include:

The Kosovo Conflict and International Law: An Analytical Documentation 1974-1999, H Kreiger (ed), 2001 (ISBN 0 521 80071 4)
The 'Yugoslav' Crisis in International Law: General Issues, D L Bethlehem & M Weller (eds), 1997 (ISBN 0 521 463041)
East Timor and the International Community: Basic Documents, H Krieger (ed), 1997 (ISBN 0 521 58134 6)
Mutual Assistance in Criminal and Business Regulatory Matters, W G Gilmore (ed), 1995 (ISBN 0 521 47297 0)
The Refugee Convention, 1951: Travaux Preparatoires with Commentary and Analysis, P Weis (ed), 1995 (ISBN 0 521 47295 4)
Regional Peace-keeping and International Enforcement: The Liberian Crisis, M Weller (ed), 1994 (ISBN 0 521 477549)
International Efforts to Combat Money Laundering, W C Gilmore (ed), 1992 (ISBN 1 85701 000 0)
Iraq and Kuwait: The Hostilities and their Aftermath, M Weller (ed), 1993 (ISBN 0 949009 98 9)
The Kuwait Crisis: Sanctions and their Economic Consequences, DL Bethlehem (ed) 1991 (2 vols) (ISBN 0 949009 88 1)
The Kuwait Crisis: Basic Documents, E Lauterpacht & others (eds), 1991 (ISBN 0 949009 86 5)

The Collected Papers of Hersch Lauterpacht

Sir Hersch Lauterpacht (1897–1960) has been generally acknowledged as one of the most distinguished and influential international lawyers of the twentieth century. This is the final volume of his collected papers systematically arranged. It covers disputes, war and neutrality and comprises such subjects as the settlement of disputes and the structure, jurisdiction and operation of the International Court of Justice, including the important Provisional Report of 1955 on the revision of the Statute of the Court. The Part on the Renunciation of Force includes the previously unpublished draft of a Peace Act (1934) and the Part on the Law of War is introduced by an extended editorial note describing Lauterpacht’s significant contribution to the Law of War, particularly in relation to the prosecution of war criminals. The Part on Neutrality contains important and hitherto unpublished memoranda prepared for the United States Government on US neutrality during World War II.

Volume 5 , Disputes, War and Neutrality, Parts IX-XIV - Hersch Lauterpacht, Edited by Elihu Lauterpacht